
Command Line tutorial

1. help

copha -h

2. list

copha list [-options]
-a show all data.
-t [proejct,task,driver] show list with declare type.

3. config

copha config [project_name] [-options]

copha config # default edit global settings when no params

copha config project_name # edit project configure

-o # edit overwrite code

-d # edit export data code

-c # custom code

4. create

copha create [project_name] [-options]

copha create project_name # create project use name

-t task # create project with the specified task type

5. run

copha run [project_name] [-options]

copha run project_name # run project

-e # export data only

-c # run custom code only

-t # run project test

-d # run with daemon mode

6. stop

copha stop [project_name] [-options]

copha stop project_name # stop a running project

-r # stop and restart project

7. reset

copha reset [project_name] [-options]

copha reset project_name # reset a project state

--hard # reset state and delete all data of project

8. delete

copha delete [project_name]

copha delete project_name # delete a project

9. serve

copha serve [-options]

copha serve # launch a web server of api at local

-p <7000> # specify the service port

-H <> # specify the address bound to the service

-d # run service with deamon

-s # stop API service

10. load

copha load <resource_name> [-options]

-t [project,task,driver,storage] # declare the type of imported resource

11. export

copha export [project_name] [-options]

copha export project_name # export project item

-f # declare the absolute path of saved data

-d # export with data dir

12. logs

copha logs [project_name] [-options]

copha logs project_name # show project run logs